Thursday, August 6, 2009

Teeth cleaning twig

A Teeth cleaning twig, twig toothbrush, bush toothbrush, tooth twig, or chewing stick is a tool made from a twig from a tree with antimicrobial properties.

Twigs used

Teeth cleaning twigs can be obtained from a variety of tree species. Aldough many trees are used in the production of teeth cleaning twigs, some trees are better suited to clean and protect the teeth, due to the chemical composition of the plant parts. The tree species are:

  • Salvadora persica
  • Gum tree
  • Tea Tree
  • Gouania lupuloides
  • olive, walnut, and other trees with bitter roots.


When compared to toothbrushes, teeth cleaning twigs have several advantages:

  • Reported similar dental protection as toothbrushes
  • More ecological in its lifecycle
  • Lower cost (0-16% of the cost of a toothbrush)
  • Independance from external supplier if made at home from privately owned trees
  • Low maintenance, with some twigs need moisitening with water if they become dry, to ensure the end is soft. The end may be cut afresh to ensure hygiene, and should be not be stored near a sink. The twig is replaced every few weeks to maintain proper hygiene.
  • No need for toothpaste


Overextensive scrubbing can damage the gums

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